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Clone Yourself DVD Set !


Please SAVE This Page... A Lot Of Cool Benefits For You Below! (Take Some Time So You Don't Miss Any Of Them!)







-->  Would you like us to add this Dressform Basics CD to your order for 20% Off?

Dress Form Basics CD

Cover your Dress Form with Design Lines


Retail $29.97



Dress Form Basics CD will help:


  1. Extends the life of your dressform.

  2. Make your patternfitting more accurate.

  3. Never have to re-think where your design lines are.

  4. Permanently set lines.

  5. Makes patternfitting a breeze.

  6. Re-set commercial pattern design lines to your lines.

  7. Excellent base for draping and designing original garments.

  8. Ends frustration and saves on costly mistakes--no more ruined fabric!


Yes, Please include the Dress Form Basics CD along with my Clone Yourself DVD's

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Pants Form CD 1 & 2

Make a Pants Form


Stand and Base


Retail $65.00


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